
My Daughter-in-Law Pocketed the Money I Sent My Grandson Every Month – I Taught Her a Lesson She Won’t Forget…

“No,” he replied, sounding disappointed. “I’ve been asking for pocket money, but she says I’m too young.”

My jaw dropped. I could feel my blood boiling. Something wasn’t right. I decided to probe further.

“But what about the toys you already have?” I asked. “Where did you get the money for those?”

“Dad sometimes gives me money for chores, but it’s not enough to buy the toy I want. Mom says I shouldn’t ask you for money, but please, Grandma, just this once?”

His words hit me like a freight train. I had been willing to give Susan the benefit of the doubt, but now I couldn’t help but suspect something worse was happening. Had she been keeping the money for herself all this time?

I felt a surge of anger. I had to find out the truth. So, I devised a plan to catch Susan red-handed.

The next day, I called her. “Hey Susan, it’s been a while since we’ve had some girl time. How about a little shopping trip?” I said, keeping my voice light and friendly while inside, I was fuming.

Susan eagerly agreed, completely unaware of my suspicion. We met up and headed to an antique store owned by my friend Helen. Susan had no idea I had set everything up with Helen beforehand.

When we arrived, Helen greeted us warmly, as though she didn’t know me. “Welcome! Anything catch your eye?” she asked, playing her part perfectly.

I made small talk, casually asking to see some jewelry. Helen showed us a beautiful necklace, and Susan’s eyes lit up.

“Oh, it’s stunning!” she exclaimed. “How much?”

“Five hundred dollars,” Helen replied, smiling.

Susan’s face fell. I watched her closely, seeing the wheels turning in her mind, calculating how she might get the money. It was the moment I’d been waiting for.

As we left the store, I mentioned Timmy. “You know, Susan, I’ve been thinking about sending Timmy an extra $500 so he can buy that toy he really wants.”

Susan’s eyes widened, barely able to contain her excitement. “That’s so generous of you, Mary!” she gushed.

Later that evening, I prepared an envelope with fake money—play money from an old board game. I sealed it with a note that read, “For Timmy, love Grandma,” and waited.

Sure enough, the next day, Susan went straight to the antique store. Helen called me as soon as she arrived. “She’s here,” Helen whispered. “She’s asking to see the necklace again.”

Perfect. I headed to the store, my heart racing with adrenaline.

When I arrived, I saw Susan at the counter, handing Helen the money. Helen took one look at the bills and her face darkened.

“This is fake money,” Helen said, holding up one of the counterfeit bills.

Susan’s face went pale. “What? No! That’s impossible!” she stammered.

Helen stood firm. “This is clearly fake. I’ll have to call the police.”

At that moment, I stepped forward. “Susan, what’s going on?”

“Mary, please help me!” she cried, her voice frantic. “She says the money is fake!”

I looked her squarely in the eye. “That’s because it is, Susan.”

She stared at me in shock as the realization hit. “You’ve been stealing the money I sent for Timmy, haven’t you?”

Susan broke down in tears, falling to her knees. “I’m so sorry, Mary. I didn’t mean for it to go this far. I was just so tempted.”

I stayed calm but firm. “From now on, I’ll be giving Timmy the money directly. You’ve lost my trust, Susan.”

She nodded, still sobbing. Helen, understanding the gravity of the situation, decided not to call the police, but the lesson was clear.

And that’s how I exposed my daughter-in-law’s deception. It wasn’t easy, but sometimes tough love is necessary to set things right.


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